Hi all

Please see attached.
A few key dates indicated for your calendar.
  • No cubs next week 3rd April returning 10th april
  • Chief Scout Award Cubs Planning Meeting next Wednesday 4th April in Den for intercultural activity with 14th Clare cubs  
    • 11am to 5.30 pm (applicable to Alina, Cliodhna, Anna, Sarah, Danny understand Claire, Ellen & Iona are away/busy)
  • 1st Cub Camp for 2 nights 20th – 22nd April in Renville Park Oranmore
  • National event “just add water” Sunday 29th April in Galway Harbour times TBD
  • Galway County Cub Camp 2 nights 8th-10th June Portlick Campsite Athlone
  • Visit to Scout Practice camp Saturday 30th June in Renville Park Oranmore
Lots more outdoor Tuesday meetings with longer evenings please bring jacket every night & hopefully squeeze in somewhere.
I would be grateful if you would indicate whether your cub will be available on the dates above.
If you could let us know within the next few days if they are free for “Just Add Water” event  Sunday 29th April 
it needs to be booked quickly while there are still places.
You can complete the survey here or email, whattsap or  text. If we can know the numbers on these it can make planning much easier and efficient 🙂 thanks.
Finally can you let me know if you have a tow bar and / or a licence to drive with a trailer.
We can access a trailer for camps to keep costs down alternatively we may need to include van hire (both ways) in camp fee.
Mairead, Claire, Neil, Pete, Jeff, Patrick & Xavier
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